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Programme 2024

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Thu 26th September 2024
An evening remembering The Avon Rubber Company in Melksham
(note 4th Thursday)

Thu 17th October 2024
Atworth – The Romans to the 3rd Millennium
Presented by Gervase O’Donohoe

Thu 21st November 2024
AGM & Social Evening

Recent Events

Thu 18th July 2024
Proposed Coach to Tiverton with Horse Drawn Barge Trip
Limited to 50, so Members have priority. Please book your tickets from February
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Tue 11th June 2024
Town Walk led by Paul Carter
Meet at Rachel Fowler Centre at 7pm
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Thu 16th May 2024
Further display of our local Artefacts & Social Evening
(7pm – 9pm)
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Tombstone Trail in Melksham Cemetery - Thu 15th June 2017
Led by Ivan Turtle ( trail booklets will be available)

Assemble in Canon Square 7 pm


Our next event will be on Thursday June 15th, when Ivan Turtle will guide us round Melksham Cemetery for the
“ Tombstone trail” .

Assemble in Canon Square Melksham at 7pm.
Ivan will talk about some of the famous and perhaps infamous residents of past Melksham who reside in the churchyard.
Trail booklets will be available.
All welcome.

Report -


Our June Evening visit was to Melksham Church and Cemetery, a guided tour of the Cemetery titled “St Michaels Tombstone Trail”.

Ivan Turtle, Tony Fivash and Peter Maslen, guided over 40 members and guests round the Cemetery pointing out some very interesting resting places of past Melksham residents.

Many well-known shop keepers and Business owners of Melksham are interned in the Cemetery. Ivan, Tony and Peter kept us well informed of the business and history of the interned as we went round.

Afterwards we were invited in the church for refreshments. A very enjoyable evening.

Our next visit is to Lydiard Park, Swindon on July 20th. Details of times etc can be obtained from Peter Maslen on 01225 708142.

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