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Programme 2024

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Thu 26th September 2024
An evening remembering The Avon Rubber Company in Melksham
(note 4th Thursday)

Thu 17th October 2024
Atworth – The Romans to the 3rd Millennium
Presented by Gervase O’Donohoe

Thu 21st November 2024
AGM & Social Evening

Recent Events

Thu 18th July 2024
Proposed Coach to Tiverton with Horse Drawn Barge Trip
Limited to 50, so Members have priority. Please book your tickets from February
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Tue 11th June 2024
Town Walk led by Paul Carter
Meet at Rachel Fowler Centre at 7pm
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Thu 16th May 2024
Further display of our local Artefacts & Social Evening
(7pm – 9pm)
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Archaeological Finds in Wiltshire - Thu 19th October 2017
Ken Merrett Memorial Evening

Presented by Gabrielle Flexer

Presents at Melksham Assembly Hall

On Thursday 19th October.
7pm for 7.30 start.
Members free, Guests £3

The Ken Merrett Memorial Evening
“Archaeological Finds in Wiltshire”
Presented by Gabrielle Flexer.

Gabrielle is a conservator with Wiltshire Council conservation and museum advisory council.

Gabrielle has the highly technical job of identifying, cleaning and preserving artifacts that have been uncovered in this archaeologically rich county of ours

Gabrielle Flexer working on some artifacts

Report -


Our October meeting at Melksham Assembly hall was presented by Gabrielle Flexer. Gabrielle is a conservator with Wiltshire Council, conservation and museum advisory council.

Gabrielle gave a very interesting evening slide presentation of her work on some of the archaeological finds in Wiltshire, how they were cleaned and preserved, explaining some of the modern high tech methods of cleaning, examining with x-rays and conserving for the future.

Gabrielle has the task of cleaning and identifying the 1,266 Roman coins that were unearthed in Malmesbury recently, dated from about 300 AD.

Afterwards, Gabrielle answered questions from the 45 members and guests, before refreshments were served.

The association's AGM will be held on Thursday 16th November.
Tickets are available priced £5 from Viv Dwyer on 01225 704027.
To include a Buffet supper. Entertainment by Pete Butler.

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